In early YC118, Signal Cartel member Forcha Alendare had a vision of a service that would provide a basic emergency resource kit for capsuleers stranded in wormholes, regardless of alliance, sovereignty, or play style. This vision captured the imagination of many Signal Cartel pilots and grew to become the Rescue Cache program we know today.

In late YC118, Forcha decided to move on to activities that would potentially bring him into conflict with the Credo, so he chose to leave the corporation and alliance leadership brought in Thrice Hapus to manage day-to-day operations.

Since then, the program has grown to become an entire division within Signal Cartel and encompasses both live Search and Rescue operations as well as the original Rescue Cache program.

When Thrice Hapus became CEO of Signal Cartel, Igaze took over EvE Scout Rescue and guided the division from December YC120 until April YC123. Under his watch the division set many new records for number of rescues, caches in space, and 911 call volume. Then in YC123, Captain Crinkle, one of our most experienced rescue pilots, took the helm. Crinkle guided the division until May of YC124 when our current ESRC Manager, Xalyar assumed the lead role. While he oversees the division as a whole, it takes an entire team to make it all happen. Our current roster includes the following dedicated rescue pilots.

911 Operators

EvE-Scout Rescue Coordinators

Asst. Manager

Asst. Manager

All participants last 30 days, most recent first